Novell iFolder

Logging in to Web Access

Log in to Novell iFolder® 3.7 or later Web Access to gain access to folders and files in any iFolders available to you or to the LDAPGroup you are a member of in the iFolder 3.7 or later account. This includes iFolders that you participate in but have not set up on a local computer. (You cannot access files in your Novell iFolder 2.x account with Web Access.) Your username and password are authenticated against the LDAP directory services.

You can also specify which of the supported languages to use. This is typically the same language as the language code of the iFolder enterprise server and your local computer. Make sure to configure your browser's Languages setting to support the desired language.

  1. Specify the username and password for the iFolder account you want to access.

    Usernames and passwords are case sensitive.

  2. Use the Languages drop-down list to specify which language you want to use to access your files.

  3. Click Log In.

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Related Topics Related Topics

Accessing Your iFolders
Accessing Folders and Files in Your iFolder
Managing iFolder Members

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